United States [change]

In the dynamic marketplace of today, your business can’t afford to wait weeks or even months for the critical consumer information needed to make sound, strategic decisions.  Harris Poll QuickQuery is an innovative online omnibus research product that lets you ask questions and get accurate, projectable answers from more than 2,000 adult respondents nationwide within two business days.

Our QuickQuery tool allows you to ask just one question or as many as 30 questions on a single survey.  QuickQuery surveys have full functionality – we can handle complex skip patterns, randomization, grids, scales, multi-punch and single-punch formats, as well as open-end questions. Additionally, since QuickQuery surveys are fielded online, you are able to incorporate still graphics, streaming audio and video, and HTML into your survey design to help illustrate concepts, products and ideas.

Twice the sample of many other omnibus services, QuickQuery provides better reporting for lower incidence target populations – allowing you to segment your data more effectively.

Representative Results

QuickQuery results are representative of the U.S. adult population. Results can be weighted to the general U.S. adult population or to the U.S. online adult population, whichever is more appropriate for a given survey.

Once the surveys are completed, the results are set up as data tables in a Microsoft® Word format, one question per page. Responses are shown down the side and demographic banner points are displayed across the top. The tables will include answers to your questions across 40+ standard demographic subgroups, based on the following:

  • Age Within Gender
  • Household Size
  • Marital Status
  • Region
  • Annual Household Income
  • Age and Presence of Children
  • Employment Status
  • Education

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