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Our Solutions

When you need quantitative insights from Generation Y—Harris Poll YouthQuery online omnibus lets you ask questions and get accurate, projectable answers from young consumers nationwide—within days!

YouthQuery is fielded as an online survey monthly with 1,100 tweens and teens. The sample size is around 100 per age, per month for males and females, ages 8-18. Data are weighted to be projectable to all 8- to 18-year-olds in the United States.

Get Projectable, Reliable Results

  • You submit and finalize your questions with our youth research consultants by the second Thursday of the month.
  • Your questions are transformed into an online questionnaire and filled out by participants of the Harris Interactive Youth Panel within a week.
  • The data is delivered to you electronically in tables. Standard subgroups within the data include age and gender.

Become a Preferred YouthQuery Client

Do you have an ongoing need for quick answers from young consumers? Harris Interactive provides discounted rates for clients who place more than five questions in a single wave, or commit to 40 or more YouthQuery questions annually.


Got a question, or want to learn more?

