Competitive Advantages > Our Methodology for Online Research
Our Methodology for Online Research
Harris Interactive's online interviewing relies primarily on our Harris Poll
Online (HPOL) multimillion member database as a sample source for large online
surveys of U.S. adults, aged 18 and older. We also use our:
- proprietary technology for emailing to large groups of respondents and
enabling large numbers of respondents to simultaneously complete the survey
- advanced survey interviewing techniques, adapted to the online
environment, including password protection, skip patterns, and visually
appealing fonts and formatting
Sample Selection
Respondents for HPOL surveys are drawn from the multimillion member HPOL
database. Email addresses for respondents in the database have been obtained
from a number of sources, including:
- the HPOL registration site
- HPOL banner advertisements
- Epinion registrations
Online Interviewing Procedures
Interviews are conducted using a self-administered, online questionnaire, via
proprietary, web-assisted interviewing software. The HPOL interviewing system
permits online data entry of interviews by the respondents. Questionnaires are
programmed into the system with the following checks:
- Question and response series
- Skip pattern
- Question rotation
- Range checks
- Mathematical checks
- Consistency checks
- Special edit procedures
All data are tabulated, checked for internal consistency and processed by
computer. A series of computer-generated tables is then produced for each of the
key sample groups showing the results of each survey question, both by the total
number of respondents and by the key subgroups.
Control of the Sample
To maintain the reliability and integrity in the sample, the following
procedures are used:
- Password protection. Each invitation contains a password that is
uniquely assigned to that email address. A respondent is required to enter
the password at the beginning of the survey to gain access into the survey.
Password protection ensures that a respondent completes the survey only one
- Reminder invitations. To increase the number of respondents in the
survey and to improve overall response rates, up to two additional reminder
invitations are typically mailed at 2-4 day intervals to those respondents
who have not yet participated in the survey.
- Summary of the survey findings. To increase the number of
respondents in the survey and to improve overall response rates, respondents
are often provided with a summary of some of the survey responses via the
Internet. Respondents are sent an email that provides them access to a Web
site containing the survey findings. As with the survey itself, this is a
password-protected site that is accessible for a limited period (1-2 weeks).
Completed interviews are weighted to figures obtained from the Current
Population Survey (CPS) as well as key questions administered in Harris Poll
monthly telephone surveys of national cross-sectional samples of 1,000 adults,
aged 18 and older. We use several demographic variables (e.g., sex, age,
education, race and ethnicity) as well as a variable representing the propensity
of an individual respondent to be online—a composite of several factors—to
generalize survey results to the national population.
Our data processing staff performs machine edits and additional cleaning for
the entire data set. Our edit programs act as a verification of the skip
instructions and other data checks that are written into the online program. The
edit programs list any errors by case number, question number and type. Senior
personnel, who inspect the original file and make appropriate corrections, then
resolve these errors. We keep complete records of all such procedures.