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LGBT Panel

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Research and Panel

Harris Interactive helps marketers conduct research needed to develop mindful, effective marketing strategies targeting the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender* (LGBT) population. In many respects, these consumers are very similar to non-LGBT consumers – but there are instances where their points of view vary. That said, the LGBT community is not a homogeneous market. Identifying and understanding the degree and impact of these differences is critical to any marketing effort targeting these communities. It’s also important to be aware how the development of a LGBT targeted campaign may affect your other markets.

*Our specialty panel is focused on sexual orientation and includes adults who self-identity as lesbian, gay, or bisexual as well as heterosexual. However, we invite respondents to volunteer whether they identity as transgender as well.

While we will continue to grow and refine our LGBT specialty panel and also to include transgender people, our samples customarily do not contain statistically projectable numbers of transgender respondents that enable us to draw conclusions. We hope, over time, to learn more about this hard-to-reach population.

What Makes Understanding Gay and Lesbian Americans so Important?
It’s a simple matter of economics and emerging consumer visibility. The discretionary income of gays and lesbians is growing every year, along with their presence in the workplace and marketplace. Recent estimates gauge the LGBT consumer market with $743 billion in buying power in 2010. Major business media such as The Wall Street Journal, Advertising Age, and others are closely watching for trends and seeking expert data.

Access to the Largest LGBT Research Panel and Much More
We start by fully understanding your objectives and then determine the best way to meet those requirements. Using quantitative and qualitative research, either traditional or Internet-based methods, we provide you with accurate data and insights that you can act on. We do this with our:

  • Strategic partnership with Witeck•Combs Communications – the leading LGBT marketing communications firm
  • Proprietary LGBT Specialty Panel – approximately 45,000 individuals with a corporate commitment to grow globally**
  • Proprietary Harris Poll Online Panel – our high quality global online panel

 **Harris Interactive is committed to recruiting transgender persons so that our LGBT panel is more reflective of the gay community. Also, we are happy to share that our LGBT panel responds three times higher than other specialty panels.


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