Client Services > Brand & Strategy > Employee Alignment
Employee Alignment
Of all the audiences a business must reach to be successful, none is more
important than your own employees - your enterprise's ambassadors to the rest of
the world. Aligning the interests of your employees with your company's business
objectives requires you to educate, engage and motivate your employees on a
number of levels. The result should be a unified corporate vision that is an
alignment between the strategic business goals of the organization and the
personal goals of the employees.
Harris Interactive’s Employee Alignment practice can help you motivate your
employees to pursue your corporate objectives by understanding and measuring
both the rational and emotional elements underlying their relationship with you.
We use this understanding to provide a foundation of knowledge upon which your
employee communications strategies can be based.
Motivate Your Employees to Pursue Your Vision
We will identify and refine the messages that are going to resonate with your
employees – who in turn use those messages to inform their day-to-day
decisions for the best interests of your organization.
And as acknowledged experts in human decision-making, we’ll help you
develop and deliver messages that are believable, engaging and motivating. More
importantly, we will ensure that all your employees share your vision, align
with your strategic goals and strengthen your business performance, through
their active engagement with and delivery of your brand promise.
How we can help you:
- Create leadership buy-in and consensus around your vision and brand
- Build the brand from the inside out and link the brand to all aspects of the business.
- Clarify employees’ current level of awareness, understanding and commitment with your vision and corporate objectives.
- Develop messages and conduct action-planning workshops to enhance brand relevance to current employees.
- Develop communications strategies to attract and retain future talent with the right fit.
- Provide on-going capability to test new programs, media and messages.
- Track changes in employee alignment and refine strategies over time.
Employee Alignment Case Studies
Contact Us
For more details on employee alignment consultancy services contact us at
or call 877.919.4765.