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Market Strategy


Our Solutions


Market Size & Structure Studies

Our in-depth custom studies help you better understand the size, structure, value and potential of your market, in a competitive context, so that you can identify and plan around strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.  We can also track markets over time to monitor trends, spot significant changes and help refine plans.

Typical business questions and planning decisions we support through these studies might include:

  • How big is my market overall and by sub-category?  What is the total number of consumers/buying points and the volume/frequency of purchase or usage?  
  • What is my market and/or its key sub-category’s worth?  How does it segment by sub-category and type/value of customer?  Who and where are the highest spenders? 
  • What is my market share by both volume and value?  
  • Who are my key/emerging competitors?  What are their market shares? 
  • What does the profile and footprint of my customer base look like compared to the wider market and key competitors?    
  • Is my product-set on target, getting the desired results, in need of refinement?  Am I missing a trick?  How are my competitors’ products and services doing? 
  • Is my desired marketing message and position resonating with the right audience? 
  • How does all this vary by occasion or situation?   
  • What are the recent and projected trends, and what goals and expectations should I set around this?    
  • How should I plan priorities, resources and budget to deliver on my business plan, against this backdrop?

In some cases, especially if up-to-date information is not available from other studies, it may be appropriate to:

  • Add topline questions (or derived analysis) on general levels of loyalty and key brand perceptions, in order to help answer some of the questions above and determine the best course of action. 
  • Embed existing segmentation predictor questions, or create a segmentation from the results, to help summarise and digest the findings in a way that will support action planning, prioritisation and implementation around the organisation.
Contact US

For more information contact us on:

+44 (0) 20 8263 5200
