Concept Screening
Harris Interactive’s Concept Screening solutions help you to quickly and cost-effectively test a large number of new product ideas and identify which few concepts are worthy of further evaluation and development. We answer such questions as:
- Which early-stage new product ideas represent your best opportunities for success?
- Do these highest-priority concepts actually show market potential, or are they merely the best of a weak set of concepts?
- What is the driving interest for a specific concept?
- Who do the new product ideas appeal to?
- What might be done to improve a moderately-performing concept?
Our concept screening studies are designed and analysed by our category experts, ensuring that results and recommendations are set in the most relevant and realistic market context.
Once research is completed, we evaluate results in two ways:
- All of the concepts against each other, in order to prioritise the ideas for further testing and development.
- All of the concepts against a benchmark (either a current product concept or category norms), in order to get a sense of the rough, early market potential for the best new product ideas.
We also provide individual concept scorecards, which reveal the strengths and weaknesses of each new product idea and can often guide next-stage concept refinement research.